
Type      [gd]

method of Display class


wave scale sinusoidally

Return value

self (display object itself)

See also    [bl

Display, display:waveScaleX(), display.waveScaleY()


display_obj:waveScale {

    peakScale=n1, -- peak scale (default: 1.2)

    period=ms, -- period of the sin function (default :1000)

    loops = n2, -- number of repeatition (default: INF)

    onEnd = function, -- function when called all the iterations are ended


    All the elements have default values, this method can be called without

any argument.

Note that



methods are also defined and use the same parameter table of waveScale() method while

waveScaleX() method changes the x-axis scale only, and

waveScaleY() varies the y-axis scale only.


local sun = Image('sun.png')


local sun = Image('sun.png')

sun:waveScale{peakScale=1.1, period=2000}

local sun = Image('sun.png')

sun:waveScaleX{loops=3, onEnd=function() print('ended') end}

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